Thursday, October 30, 2014

Blog From Jacob

Hello, everyone. It's Jacob, and it's my turn to do a mini blog. I am beginning to think that after 3 encouragingly lively months of having so many good experiences, it isn't going to be a too long and failishly stupid vacation after all! 

I just got my hair dyed green, and they attempted to transform my amazingly handsome figure and poise into some kind of nerdy alien spaceship dweeb by locking down this...this scary looking headgear over my constraining chair leaving me hapless to the point of insanity as I restrained the overpowerful urge to scratch at my head which was covered in antagonizingly itchy bleach. I felt like the king of the freaking universe. (*cough* sarcasm *cough*)

On another topic, we finally were able to let our inner dancer loose after starting classes (12 hours a week) one month ago. Here are some of our teachers who are all expert dancers and choreographers.

-Bea, our junior hip hop teacher, and also our new crew leader, is the first teacher we took a class from, and we are becoming good friends by the day. She is really into the groove and staying low while dancing. We enjoy her choreo a lot.

- Adam, our popping teacher, always has the most laughs in his class even though he is in the smallest room. We always look forward to his class. He is freakishly good at control and isolation. He is also really good at making fun of his own moves.

- Sergi, our krump teacher, is one of those guys who you could watch transfixed for hours on end. Although not the most humorous guy, every body looks up to his skill that only comes from hundreds of hours of practice.

- Artis, our bboying teacher, is a style master.  In each class he surprises us with new epic moves that make us drool with envy.  (Well, maybe not drool, but...)  He's a scruffy looking dude with a full beard and longish hair and super fun to work with.

Anyway, BCN (Barcelona) has been really fun so far, and we are starting to fall into routine here.  So folks, the Villaman's live on in Barcelona!

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