Wednesday, July 8, 2015

One Last Win, & Family Visit

The boys and their crew, Bonicos, won their third and final first place prize in their dance competitions for the season.  The two people on the sides of their group are judges from the U.S.  Always the judges for the competitions are from the U.S. (mostly from L.A.).
Here is the video of the dance (it's the same one as the other competitions):

Afterwards, a group powwow with Bea, their instructor 

And here is the more advanced group, Los Majos, from their studio, La Urban Dance Factory, that has been together for several years.  They are great and received second place in their category.
Here is their impressive dance, if you are interested in seeing it:

Xavier, the director of our Spanish school, and his wife, Esther, joined us for dinner one night at our flat.  This is a silly test photo while Jacob sets up the delayed shot camera setting...

...then he joins the photo.

My cousin, Ed, his wife, Christéle, and their kids, Aymeric, Sophie and Nolwen, came for a visit while they were taking a summer trip to Europe to mainly see Christéle's family in France.  Again, we went to our favorite tree in the park.

Ed and Christéle at the park

Having fun at the massive wooly mammoth statue.

See those crazy teenage boys trying to figure out how to get onto the tusk?  
Thank goodness they did not make the attempt.

As we were walking through the park, we saw this group of "daycare" kids having a picnic lunch, just having been transported in a couple of these super cool bike-mobiles.  There is a circular seat around the inside edge of that white wagon part of the bike where the kids sit and ride.  This would never pass as a proper way to transport kids in the U.S.  And I bet these kids love it!

We went into the greenhouse in the park...shady and cool!

Everything in bloom...even the trees!

Just chillin' at the flat...and having fun getting reacquainted after 10 years...which means the kids didn't remember each other!  However, they became quick friends.  We don't want to wait another 10 years to see one another, so plans are already hatching to get our families together again.

Up next...fireworks galore.

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