Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Continuation of last post...

OK, on with all these photos!  

We went back to Grácia on the final day of their festival.  One tradition they have is to build human towers.  They practice weekly all year long.  There are different "styles" of towers.  The top people are young kids, the very top person is usually a little kid about 7 or 8 years old who is of course very light.  Once she reaches the top, she puts her hand up for a brief moment and immediately begins to slide back down.  There is always one person who is not in the tower but continuously checks to see if the tower is stable when it first goes up.  If it is not, they break down and start over after regrouping.  Once that person gives the go ahead to keep building, the music begins, and they build the rest of the tower.  It's usually 8 or 9 people high.  Some of the people shake, and the tower sways a bit...slightly nerve-racking to watch!

Top tier sliding/climbing down...

Up they go...

So tall!!

Here are some photos of the decorated streets (completed, unlike the last time we were there).

Huge pan of paella!!

The "zombi" street

Alice in Wonderland street

Thought this was a fun name...

After seeing the festivities, we were VERY hungry.  We found a great burger place with all natural chicken and grass fed meats.  They even had a really good veggie burger with tofu, grilled veggies, and cheese for me.  The burgers were LARGE...we ate it ALL.  

Another adventure...we went to Diagonal Mar, which is a huge planned area with parks, lakes, commercial space, etc.  They say it is the largest planned public space on the planet.  It's true that it takes forever to walk around!  We originally were going to the urban adventure park there but found out it is closed on Sundays, the day we were there (the information I had read said differently).  So, here are the boys climbing along the paved path were were walking along.

Even though the urban adventure park was closed, we found this wake boarding zip line, and Jacob and Nicholas each had some runs.  There were some jump ramps, too.  So they tried it!  Somehow I only got a photo of Jacob...all the others of Nicholas were videos.  I tried uploading a couple very short videos with their jumps, but it didn't work.  Maybe later I can figure it out.

A cool looking something-or-other in Diagonal Mar.
This takes up just a tiny little space in this massive place of Diagonal Mar.

Last week we met with the lawyer who will help us with our residence visas.  He did not seem to think it will be a problem...hooray!  He was able to make the appointments that we were not able to make.  Our appointment is next week, just before we take a trip to Italy.  In the meantime, we are searching for another apartment that meets our needs a little better, being closer to the dance school, and still easy to get to our language school...these two schools are in very different parts of the city.  We know we will find the right place.  One criteria...must have a third bedroom for our visitors!  :)   

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